Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

I found my first wrinkle today!  It made me a little sad, because for a long time I have told women not to freak-out about their aging and in stead accept it and move on.
Well I'm freaking out just a little more then I expected to.  Perhaps its the fact that it's a sign that I'm getting older (scary), but more disturbing because I've done everything right.
 I cleanse, tone, moisturize, and I always wear an SPF of at least 30 daily.  Every other day I exfolliate and I have been using Glycolic Acid for years as well as recently I have been using Hyloronic Acid.  I never fall asleep wearing my makeup (at least not since I was 19) and I am consistant with my skin care regime to the point of mild obsession.

Yet here I am staring at a forehead crease that mocks my efforts.  Am I surprised that I see a wrinkle before 35?  No, I totally understand the ageing process, but it irritates me all the same.  Does this make me a little jaded to what I do for a living?  Yes, absofuckinglutely!  But I also know that graceful ageing is a reality that can be attained.  Because the truth darlings is that there is no, I repeat NO FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH!  If there was I can guarantee that it would not cost $30 or $500 or come in a syringe.  It would have a 10 year waiting list, cost you more than a house in Rosedale and there might even be a screening process that would find the "right" candidate (aka the rich and powerful).

But graceful ageing is attainable, I know because I've seen it in all it's botox-free glory.  And every single one of these women will tell you that the key to ageing well is; happiness.
I know eh, easy for them to say, but it's true.  The best looking "mature" people I have seen are all very relaxed happy people who don't care if the cream they are buying is the newest best-est money pit out there.  What matters to them is that they like it and it makes them happy.

So with that in mind tonight I'm going to try a whole new skin care regime.  I'm going to slap on my Neals Yard Frankensince cream, because it feels good.  And then I'm going to eat a nice ripe Ontario peach I just bought at the market, and then I'm going to watch some True Blood!  After that I'm going to snuggle up to my Husband-to-be and fall asleep with a smile on my face.
Now that is the best skin care advise I think I can give and take.

By the way below is that ageing gracefully botox-free glory stuff I was talking about...

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